We seek new strategies to sustain academic life and knowledge threatened by anti-democratic and authoritarian regimes.

Off University is a self-organisation of scholars at risk

We seek new strategies to sustain academic life and knowledge threatened by anti-democratic and authoritarian regimes.

This effort is for scholars from all over the world who have been removed from their institutions, forced to resign, legally politically persecuted, even imprisoned because of their opinions and research.

Where authoritarian regimes
turn the university off,
we turn it online again.


Our Mission.

Advocate for freedom of thought, research and teaching/learning, and join in the struggle to eliminate the material conditions that force scholars to leave academia and their homes.

Create a safe space for scholars to continue their academic work. To achieve this, we use new and evolving tools provided by online technologies.

Build strong ties with universities and educational institutions to provide professional trajectories for scholars at risk and foster opportunities for solidarity and collaboration among scholars.

Extend our network beyond national borders, including displaced scholars from all around the world, from wherever freedom of thought, research and teaching-learning is under threat.

Create courses and research opportunities previously unavailable to learners and academics.

Re-imagine what higher education could evolve into in the upcoming decades.